Grief is a natural process, and it is a healthy way of coping with and dealing with the pain of loss in life. The loss could be a life or something precious. The question is: how do people deal with the loss of life or something important? The intensity of pain can be different for different people. The expression of grief is also different for different people. Understanding the variation is complex, so it is important to look at it from the stages of grief perspective. Sudden losses can be numbing and make the person feel stuck and surprised by the sudden loss.
Stages in Grief Counseling
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, a psychiatrist, found that individuals who are terminally sick or have lost their loved ones go through five stages, which are basically coping devices.
- Denial
- Anger
- Bargaining
- Depression
- Acceptance
Implications of care in all stages:
Denial Stage:
- Denial functions are the result of unexpected and shocking news. Allow the person to become less defensive.
- Try talking about the reality of the situation.
- Patience and willingness to talk are important. It is essential to be sensitive to the person’s denial and readiness to talk.
Anger stage:
- Understand where the anger is coming from.
- The person should show respect, attention, and understanding.
- Avoid responding in anger toward them.
- Don’t take the anger personally.
- Don’t desert the person.
Bargaining stage:
- When bargains are revealed, they should be listened to.
- It should not be brushed off; if it is brushed off, it can make them guilty.
- This stage is short.
- The bargain is expressed as dealing with shattered hopes and goals.
- It should not be mistaken for having a goal.
Depression stage:
- Reactive depression, understanding, encouragement, and reassurances are helpful.
- Preparatory depression is the state of silent grief, touching of hands, stroking of hair, and sitting next to them.
- Not too many visitors; people might not like everyone coming to comfort them. When too much cheering is done, it can hinder his or her emotional preparation.
Accepting stage:
- A few visitors are required, but not very often.
- Little talk and silence.
- This time, family and close friends can acknowledge their emotions and goals.
- The family needs to help, understand, and support
Always remember
- Be sensitive to the person’s needs when they are emotionally disturbed.
- Always remember that grieving is different for different people. The reaction depends on their personality and level of emotional maturity.
- These stages don’t signify good or bad in any way. They are what people experience.
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