

Stress is an inevitable part of human life. Every stage of life has its own level of stress. It is very common for us to associate negative connotations with the word. However, there are two types of stress: DISTRESS and EUSTRESS. Distress is the stress that negatively affects you, for example, a deadline or financial crisis, and eustress is the stress that has a positive effect on you, for example, building a relationship or exercising.

Stress is a psychological perception of pressure and the body’s response, which involves multiple systems. Some stress is essential for living, which helps us encounter and respond to challenges and the existence of uncertainty.

As we know, stress has both mental and physical implications. So how do we cope with stress? Stress becomes a catalyst for our physical health problems as it affects our body’s homeostasis.

 Cope with stress

All of us have our own ways of coping with stress. Some of us cope in negative ways, such as by drinking or smoking, which adds to our stress. Here are some ways to cope better in all areas of life.

  • Identify what is causing the stress.
  • Analyse how the stress is affecting your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.
  • Communicate with your friends or family in stressful situations. If  you think that family or friends are ignorant or not understanding reach out to a counsellor/psychologist.
  • Avoid unhealthy ways of coping with stress it only provides temporary relief and adds on more to stress.
  • Get 8 hours of sleep and eat healthy.

Some of us cope however, we are not aware of how we cope in stressful situations here are few pointers for you to follow to cope with stress in different circumstances.

Professional life

Overwhelming workloads, tight deadlines, difficult colleagues, and job insecurity can affect our professional lives, which in turn affect our personal areas of life. These factors can take a toll on your mental health and overall well-being. Here are some stress management strategies:

  • Organize your tasks, set realistic goals, and prioritize your work to prevent feeling overwhelmed.
  • Open and honest communication with your colleagues and supervisors can help address concerns and find solutions to workplace issues.
  • Incorporating mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and deep breathing, reduces stress and helps you stay focused at work.
  • Taking regular breaks throughout the day can help you recharge and reduce stress. Step away from your desk, go for a walk, or practice quick relaxation exercises.


Handling finances can be overwhelming, as it is always associated with our needs. Situations like debt, a loss of a job, or unexpected expenses can lead to stress and emotional turmoil. Here are some stress management strategies for handling financial stress:

  • Create a detailed budget to track your expenses, identify areas for savings, and plan for the future.
  • Consult with a financial advisor or counselor to develop a plan for managing your financial situation.
  • Build an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses and act as a cushion to fall back on in times of unanticipated layoffs.
  • Cut back on non-essential expenses and focus on needs rather than wants.
  • It essential to differentiate between your needs and wants.


Relationship stress can arise from conflicts, misunderstandings, and difficulties in personal relationships with family, friends, or partners. To manage relationship stress, consider these strategies:

  • Discuss your concerns and feelings with the people involved, promoting better understanding and conflict resolution.
  • Seek professional help if relationship issues persist. Couples or individual therapy can provide valuable tools for healthier relationships.
  • Establish clear boundaries to maintain a healthy balance in your relationships and avoid emotional burnout.
  • Spend quality time with loved ones, nurturing the positive aspects of your relationships, and creating meaningful connections.

Sudden life changing events

Life-changing events like moving, divorce, losing a loved one, or major life transitions can be incredibly stressful. To navigate these challenges, consider the following stress management strategies:

  • Develop healthy coping mechanisms such as journaling, creative expression, or engaging in hobbies to process your emotions.
  • Surround yourself with friends and family who can provide emotional support and lend a helping hand during difficult times.
  • Don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance, such as therapy or counseling, to work through the emotional impact of major life events.
  • Prioritize self-care practices, such as exercise, relaxation, and taking time for yourself, to maintain emotional and mental well-being.











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