The Importance of Mental Health

When we talk about health, the attention shifts only to the physical health. However, the actual definition of health is “health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. When there is a disturbance in any one of the aspects, it can affect the overall health of an individual. The focus of this blog is on mental health and its importance.

Maintaining mental health care means enhancing an individual’s productivity, self-image, relationships, and well-being. These are required for us to be functional in different areas of life. Nurturing mental health is not just limited to daily functioning; it is also associated with how we control and combat everyday problems, adversities, and physical health issues. Our physical health affects our mental and social well-being. For example, chronic sickness can cause depression. Mental health can affect our physical health, for example; some of the signs and symptoms of disorders are overeating, loss of appetite, and irregularities in sleeping. Our thinking, core beliefs, and schema play a major role in shaping our behavior and response to life situations.

Mental health is important for all the age groups and for all people from different background. Each age group has their own set of mental health challenges affecting their functions and wellness.

Common signs or risk factors of mental health issue

  • Appetite changes
  • Disruption of sleep
  • Engaging in risky behaviors (self-harm, sexual acting out, disordered eating or other compulsive behaviors)
  • Mental distress (worrisome thoughts, tension, insecurity)
  • Negative impacts on relationships (isolating, arguing, etc.)
  • Substance abuse
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Significant changes in daily functioning

If you are experiencing any of these signs of mental illness reach out to a professional or if you know someone is struggling try the QPR approach.

  • Question: Ask direct questions to the person and convey your care and concern.
  • Persuade: Talk to the person and encourage them to seek professional help.
  • Refer: Support the individual to seek the help for example, help them to make an appointment or accompany them.

There are resources, professionals, scientific approaches that can help individual to have a solid foundation when it comes to mental health. Here are few things

  • Have productive, healthy relationships
  • Cope with daily stress in life
  • Establish a positive sense of self
  • Stay motivated and physically active, and healthy
  • Be more productive at work and school
  • Make meaningful connections and contributions to the community
  • Realize and work towards achieving your full potential

The flawed awareness of mental health among people

We are caught between de-stigmatizing mental health and romanticizing mental health. Both extremes can lead to dangerous outcomes. Referring to social media and the internet to know mental health conditions and follow guidelines can mislead and cause more dysfunction. Having a conversation with the right knowledge and with the professionals is essential to be diagnosed appropriately and seeking professional health care. It is important to remove the shame, fear, and pride that are associated with mental health topics, which lead to poor mental health issues.

Asking for help is a sign of strength and motivation to educate oneself and work on oneself for better mental health, which contributes to overall health.




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