Sleep and Mental Health

Sleep is always compromised in our personal and professional lives. A popular urban myth “The Russian Sleep Experiment.” The experiment story goes that the scientists decided to work with five prisoners and promised them freedom if they participated in the experiment. The five prisoners were locked in a sealed chamber and began to pump gas, which would help them not to sleep. They stayed awake for a long time, which leads to paranoia and psychosis, which are the symptoms of sleep deprivation. As time went on, the prison started to behave in a bizarre way. As the days went on, they found some dead and injured. This experiment, known to be an urban legend, signifies the importance of sleep.

Sleep and our mental health are strongly linked, and if an individual is living with a mental health problem, it can affect the quality and duration of sleep. In today’s world, most of us are caught up in a vicious cycle. You are stressed and worried, which leads to a lack of sleep, and you feel tired and find it difficult to cope with the demands of everyday life, affecting your confidence and esteem to function again. You are stressed and worried. We are stuck in a loop.

All of us need sleep, and most of us struggle with sleep. Some of us are major people in this area.

  • You might find it hard to fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up.
  • Disturbed sleep, such as nightmares, panic attacks, or flashbacks
  • I find it difficult to wake up or get out of bed.
  • Sleeping a lot

If you think you have any of the above-mentioned issues with sleep, here are a few things listed down that you could be facing and that could be the causal factor in your sleep disturbances and issues.

  • Mood disorders
  • Suicidal
  • चिंता
  • Feeling isolated and lonely
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Sleep disorders
  • Worry
  • It is difficult to cope with the demands and stress of personal and professional life.
How can mental health affect your sleep?
  • Mental health issues can cause adverse effects on our physical health. Both are interlinked and required for an individual to stay healthy overall.
  • Depression can make a person sleep more, which includes staying in bed for a longer time and struggling to get out of bed. In some types of depression, the person struggles to sleep because they feel hopeless, worthless, and helpless. In a mania episode, people feel energized and elated, which keeps them awake.
  • Anxiety disorders cause a rush of repetitive thoughts and worries, which can keep the person awake worrying and feeling anxious about everything.
  • If you have a history of abuse or trauma, nighttime when you are trying to sleep becomes the best time for all the flashbacks, nightmares, and terrors that significantly interfere with sleep. The person might end up being more vigilant and uncomfortable in bed and in the dark.
  • Schizophrenia or psychosis can make it very difficult to sleep because the person might hear voices or see or feel some sensation due to hallucinations.
  • Psychiatric medication can have the side effect of causing sleep issues, disturbed sleep, or oversleeping.
Here are a few points to improve sleep habits:

Take conscious effort to have a quality sleep which can improve your physical and mental health. Only when you are earnest and gritty about your overall health this suggestion will be effective in helping you to have a quality sleep. It requires a lot of practice and effort.

  • Set a standard bedtime routine and try maintaining it whether you are able to sleep or not. Keep a sleep schedule.
  • Relaxation techniques can be used to prepare oneself for sleep.
  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco in the evening.
  • During the day, do things that can tire you, like going for a walk, workout, or play a sport.
  • Dim the lights in the room and put away the electronic devices an hour before bedtime.
  • Set the bed to a comfortable level with a proper mattress, bedding, and pillows.
  • Block out excess light and sound, which can disturb sleep.
  • Avoid eating late at night as it triggers the day hormones making your brain and body think that it is day which can affect the sleep.



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