Factors that can impact your mental well-being

Mental health issues can be caused by various factors that are beyond our control. The death of a loved one, a job loss, or financial troubles—it could be anything. In these situations, the small choices we make on a daily basis can affect our thinking, influence our feelings, and lead to maladaptive behavior, which can worsen our mental health. The social media habits, exercise routine, eating habits, activities that you engage in in your leisure time, and your efficiency in day-to-day life.


Perfectionism is an extreme unrealistic expectation placed on oneself. A healthy way of handling things is by setting realistic goals, letting go of failures, seeing mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow, keeping anxiety and stress within boundaries, and trying to enjoy the process.

Setting standards that are way beyond reach, dissatisfied with anything less than expected, preoccupied with failure and giving up, and seeing mistakes as evidence of why to give up.

Social Media

Spending too much time on social media—non-stop scrolling and comparing—can affect the way we think, feel, and do things. It stagnates our overall growth and development. It is essential to limit one’s time spent on social media. Many research studies have reported that spending more time on social media can worsen the mental health of an individual. When we lean on others for validation through likes, sharing updates of life constantly, and checking constantly, it can affect our mental health, making us feel like “There is never enough.”

Taking life too seriously

Some people think taking a break or leisure time is a sin and avoid doing things that are essential parts of human life. It is important to spend time with people, engage in fun activities, and be carefree in times of leisure and activity without feeling guilty about it.

Never alone

Being constantly surrounded by people at home and work can be overwhelming and cause distress. It is important to find time for yourself, whether it is 10 minutes, an hour, or a day. Constantly doing things for others and doing things for others can cause anxiety or depression.

Social Isolation

Unfortunately, we live in a world with technological advances that can help us connect with people with an instant click, yet we are the loneliest generation of alone people. We are also living in a world where we have to learn all over again about face-to-face interactions because of instantaneous virtual connections. Meet up with a friend, join some fellowship, and engage with others, which can be relaxing and calming.

Lack of personal goals

Goal-oriented behavior leads to a reward system, which can influence our mood and encourage us to grow more. When we don’t have specific realistic goals and motivations, it makes us see our lives without hope and purpose, feeling numb all the time. Not having any goals or not working toward achieving them can stagnate you for life, which can lead to depression.

You can start by making a to-do list, setting small goals, and prioritizing them with important things you need to do. By practicing this, it can help the individual set goals in all areas of life.

Focusing on the negatives of life

It is natural for us to look at the negatives more than the positives in life. For example, when you receive seven compliments and one negative comment, we end up thinking about the one negative comment. In this situation, you need to rationalize and challenge the pessimistic thoughts. Journaling, praying, and meditation can help you refocus, reduce anxiety, and increase your confidence and self-esteem.

Constantly engaged with your mobile phone

Ask yourself: When was the last time you were free from electronic devices? Electronic devices have become a necessary thing in our lives. However, research studies state that it is important for us to regenerate our body and mind to keep ourselves mentally healthy.




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