The primary focus of mental health is mental and emotional well-being. A mental illness is a problem that significantly affects how an individual thinks, feels, perceives, and reacts. There are different kinds of mental illnesses; each disorder varies in degree and severity. There are psychotic and neurotic psychological problems. Psychotic refers to the chemical imbalance in the brain and body, and neurotic refers to the poor attitudinal learning that has occurred in the formative years of an individual.
The most common mental health disorder in India is:
- Mood disorder
- Anxiety disorders
- Eating disorders
- Distress
- Schizophrenia
- Personality disorders
- Suicidal ideation
A statistical report indicates that 1 in every 5 people suffers from some mental health condition. More than half of people with mental health issues don’t seek help from mental health professionals. Mental health can be caused by multiple factors. The complex interaction between mind, body, and environment, which could lead to mental health issues Some of the other factors are acute stress, biological factors, drug abuse, and overdoes.
Mental health in India in recent days has been a fairly well-discussed topic. There is a division of attention focused on different disorders. Mood and anxiety disorders are discussed more than other disorders like personality, psychosomatic, eating, and schizophrenia. This divided attention can affect each person’s attitude towards mental health issues. It is important for people to know the intensity that each disorder has.
Here are a few factors that lessen the significance of mental health issues:
Lack of awareness and knowledge are the primary causes of ignorance. Words like “mad,” “mental,” and “asylum” are used casually. People who are mentally unfit are subjected to disparaging treatment and degradation. The stigma and taboo, along with the lack of knowledge, can prevent those who are suffering from speaking up and asking for help.
Lack of help:
The reality of psychologist career opportunities in India is very poor. Many psychology students go into the teaching line or switch careers because of a lack of career opportunities and low-paying jobs. The number states that there is only one psychiatrist for four lakh Indians. This shows the lack of opportunities for mental health professionals in India, which has significantly affected people with mental health issues.
No insurance for mental health:
People with mental problems who are admitted to hospitals are not covered by insurance companies for medical expenses. For some, this means they are unable to get admitted to a reputable hospital. Good medical care is expensive, and getting it without insurance makes things even harder.
Fear of being judged or labeled causes a huge hindrance for people to open up and talk about their mental health issues. Fear could also become one of the causal factors for the severity of mental health issues. It is essential to decline the stigmas and labels for people to become comfortable confiding and seeking help.
Values and beliefs
Many elders in Indian society find it challenging to understand mental health issues and become insensitive because of their traditional mindset and beliefs. For example, many parents find it difficult to understand depression and often end up talking about their times and how they dealt with problems. The strong traditional values and beliefs are so rigid and difficult to alter to today’s matters. This can cause severe pain to people around them struggling with mental illness.
It is quite high time for us to realize the importance of mental health professionals, mental health spaces, and the resources that are needed to help people with mental health issues. Mental health issues can be treated with the right support and guidance.
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