Pandemic and Mental Health

COVID19 has affected everyone all over the globe in every sphere of life. We have all faced unprecedented lockdowns due to the pandemic. The pandemic has taken many lives, and changed the way we all live. We will focus on the Mental Health during this pandemic. During the pandemic we have seen the increase in the number of cases with Mental Health disorders. Anxiety and Depression are the most common of Mental Health disorders. During the pandemic we have seen the increase in the number of cases with Mental Health disorders. Depression is a state where one feels very sad, hopeless, and unimportant, and is often unable to live in a normal way. Often Depression is accompanied by Anxiety. Everyone feels sad or upset once in a while but this is not Depression. When a person is depressed he will not enjoy the activities he once loved to do. The simple day to day activities will be difficult to do.

Effect of the Pandemic. COVID19 and Lockdowns have brought many changes in our lives. Social distancing, Work from Home has impacted our Mental Health. Suddenly all the schools and offices were closed. We could not go out and meet people. Most of us were only inside our homes. Very occasionally went out to buy some essentials. Now meeting people only through Zoom or other virtual media. Schools and offices became virtual. Shopping became virtual except for the delivery persons visit. Most important change was that we could not go out and play with friends. No travels. Man is a social being and needs to interact with others. Lack of physical interaction has its effects on the Mental Health of the person. According to UNICEF 14% of the person between the ages of 15 and 24 have Mental Health issues.

What are the signs of Depression? Here are some signs of Depression. Change in body weight. It could be either loss or gain in weight. Unable to get a good night’s sleep or sleeping too much. Finding it difficult to do the regular daily activities. Lack of interest in the things that used to give happiness, like no more interested in hobbies. Irritability, getting angry or upset for no apparent reason. Not having self worth. Do not like to go and meet with people, even not interested to meet friends. Aches and pains in the body. Thoughts or attempts of suicide. Not necessary to have all the symptoms.

What can you do about it? Do not worry there is hope. It can be cured. There are professionals who can help. Certain changes in lifestyle can be of help. Talking through your feelings can be helpful. You could talk to a friend or relative. A healthy diet can help lift your mood. Eating healthily is very important for maintaining your mental health. Regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and spending time with people you care about can improve depression symptoms. Counseling by trained counselors. If necessary medication by prescribed by trained medical professionals.

If you or someone close to you have any of the above symptoms please get in touch with us. We can get you in touch with trained professionals.

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